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Daylighting used in Architecture

8 November, 2018 1 min reading

Daylighting used in Architecture

Since the beginning of times, daylight plays a key role in the building evolution. When architects and engineers found its power, something of greater magnitude happened. Sunlight’s often something we take for granted and with alternative light sources integrated so deeply into our lives, we seem to easily forget the benefits from daylight exposure.

Coming up with windows that worked as a vehicle for the introduction of sunlight in buildings resulted into extraordinary interiors for the medieval cathedrals, Baroque churches and many private buildings of the 18th century. The Boston Society of Architects, in a presentation called Daylighting as Basis for Design, observes the use of daylight from the earliest shelters of the Native Americans to the incredible churches of Europe.

Nowadays, for architects, natural light is a key factor to consider when they idealize a project. The artificially lit workplaces of the 20th century have largely been left in the dust, with energy, efficient design and daylighting replacing the artificial light that defined the late 20th century.

Change back to natural light it’s all logic. From the savings in energy made possible by daylighting to health benefits, the light that brights up our world everyday isn’t an architectural phase that will soon come to an end, but a logical change that offers many benefits for architects and inhabitants.